Sovereignty, Naga integration out of question: GK Pillai

Imphal, May 24 : Union Home Secretary GK Pillai has categorically reiterated that both sovereignty as well as the integration of Naga areas is literally out of the question.

In an interview with Kalyani Shankar published in today, the Home Secretary said that the Government of India has made it very clear and he himself has stated that the demand of sovereignty of the NSCN-IM and integration of the Naga inhabited areas are out of question.

"Because we don't want to create more problems.

We have to find imaginative solutions to try and deal with this type of situation," he said.

He was answering to Kalyani Shankar's questions if there was any forward movement in the Naga peace talks.

"Also, you had been in Manipur recently to persuade Muivah from entering Manipur to visit his village.

Will he listen to you? And moreover, the NSCN has submitted a list of 30 demands.

How far is the Government willing to meet their demands?" .

GK Pillai said, "The interlocutor has had good talks, a number of proposals are on the table and I am quite hopeful, because the civil society in Nagaland is extremely keen that a solution be found" .

We reproduce excerpts of the interview–
Kalyani Shankar : Manipur is almost burning and you have been persuading Muivah not to visit there.

So, what is the way out ?
GK Pillai : I think it was unfortunate.

I think his demand or his request to go to his home village is something which could have been accepted.

But I think the timing was wrong because of the fact that there was the District elections coming up and the known opposition of the NSCN-IM to the holding of District elections was a severe provocation.

We understand his request to visit his village.

Now, we have advised him that he should wait till the situation is more conducive for his visit.

Kalyani Shankar : Now, are you concerned about Manipur, the situation on the ground level now ?
GK Pillai : Yes, we are concerned about it, we have spoken with the Chief Minister, we understand his concerns, we have told him that the territorial integrity of Manipur is not there for negotiation and Government of India is totally committed to the territorial integrity of Manipur.

And I am hopeful that when the situation normalises, I think in one sense, both sides would show the wisdom and vision to move forward.

Kalyani Shankar : Militancy may be on the wane in the North-East, but there are threats of Maoists spreading their network.

How do you propose to deal with the Maoists establishing contact with the insurgent outfits like ULFA and the NSCN-IM in the region?
GK Pillai : The culture in the North-East is quite different and it is a whole series of ethnic identities which are in one sense bursting out, if you want to say it, in the North-East and mistakes were made in the first decade after independence, I think for which we are in one sense paying the price even now.

But, I think there is a greater understanding and I think the recent steps which we have taken like LTC for all by air to the North-East is helping a lot of people to mingle and understand each other's cultures.

I think we have a lot to learn from them.