How statehood of Nagaland was attained

In 4 years time we the people of Nagaland will be celebrating the 50 years of statehood. In regard to statehood many people wonder as to how a separate state was created for Naga Hills in the midst of the fight for Independence, without the people’s demand. In connection to this question, I would like to bring the following facts to light.
The creation of a separate state for the then Naga Hills was on the basis of Naga Historical background and not for any other reasons.
During 1956and 1957 the Naga Hills situation was very bad and from bad to worse in 1957. So, the Govt of India authority send a young Naga man under compulsion to the Naga Hills as mediator to contact the top leaders of the Naga underground for restoration of peace in the Naga Hills and the mediator had no option but reluctantly had to go and meet the Naga leaders at the cost of his life because during those times the situation was very tense & sensitive and wanting to meet the Naga top leaders was out of question and very risky as one was treated with doubt and suspicion. The young man while meeting with the leaders had to undergo and face a lot of un-expressible and problems but somehow managed to tackle the hot situation and convinced the leaders for cease-fire and general amnesty in the Naga Hills.
After the completion of peace work, the Govt. of India authority held a meeting on 6th Jan.1958 at Shillong for issuing general amnesty. In this meeting, the mediator narrated the Naga history from the British Regime in the Naga Hills upto 1957, how the British Political agents and Political officers treated the Nagas. Even after getting Indian Independence, Naga Hills was kept under Assam Govt. administration who also followed the British policies causing grave injustice to the Naga Hills be depriving all round development, education and other Govt. facilities etc. That even through the Naga Hills was demanding Independence, it is still under the Govt. of India Union and therefore suggested the Naga Hills should also meanwhile, be given a separate state so that it can also be developed like the other states in India. Further more also suggested that Dimapur, which was a Kachari Kingdom but the Kachari people had lift Dimapur for more than 100 years scattering over the Assam forest, after that the Assam Govt. established administrative Hq at Dimapur during the British-India time. That there were 12 villages under the Assam Govt. administration with its Hq at Dimapur but they are also given unjust treatment therefore suggested that Dimapur should be kept under Kohima District administration for administrative convince.
After hearing the narration and suggestion from the mediator, the Govt of India authority members supported the suggestion and authority recommended that the Naga Hills case is quite genuine and the Govt Of India should consider the case, it also included the general amnesty resolution and the same was sent to the Govt of India on the 7th of January 1958 for approval and it took about 5 years time to declare a separate state for the Naga Hills on the 1st of December 1963. Pamphlets of the general amnesty was also air dropped all over Nagaland in 1958.
Therefore, the creation of a separate state of Nagaland was on the grounds of Naga historical background and no other reasons.
This report is fact to issue.
Circular Road, Dimapur