The incident has shocked the whole of Nagaland, stated the Watsü Mungdang in a strongly worded press release issued by its president and general secretary. The Ao women’s organisation added that such acts haunt the women community throughout Nagaland.
Watsü Mungdang demands immediate govt actionStating that the Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) had “rightly acted on the multitude of illegal immigrants’ influx to the state on Survival Mokokchung, which gave a sigh of relief to the people of Mokokchung”, the Watsü Mungdang queried, “But how about the rest of the districts of Nagaland? Are we to tolerate with these senseless people with all their antisocial activities who is ruining all our social fabric?”
Rape and murder was not known to the Nagas and it never happened in our land, stated the women’s organisation adding that, however, with the influx of illegal immigrants, this unwanted culture has mushroomed in Naga society. “Today women are being raped and murdered with all pleasures in our land, even rape and murder of an infant of 11/2 years old. It is not a new word to us,” a concerned Watsü Mungdang stated.
The women’s organisation of the Ao community further called for Nagas to “wake up and fight” this crime. “This incident (Wokha) should act as a wakeup call to all Nagas and to act as a people to fight against this grave and immediate danger and free ourselves once and for all from this immoral and heartless people whose sole aim is to enjoy and thrive on our hospitality,” the Watsü Mungdang added.